“This is how I keep myself from killing people!” This is a line I hear pop out of my mouth when showing off my abundantly blooming gardens. The first time I heard myself say those words, I was uncomfortable. I am not a violent person. I never have been. I have painful memories and traumas […]
Dear Christine
Dear Christine, Worried in Waterford
Dear Christine, I have been with my partner for several years but for the last few years, we’ve been more like roommates. We don’t share a bedroom, we do a few things together, but mostly we do our own things. A few months ago we talked and confirmed officially that indeed we are just roommates […]
Dear Christine, Seeking Peace in Southgate
Dear Christine, My partner and I love each other very much. We have been together for 35 years. However, our skills of effective conflict resolution are very weak. Would you be able to help us get better at resolving conflicts. Just recently I was feeling I’d have to leave her to get the peace I […]
Dear Christine, Patient in Petoskey
Dear Christine, She did it again! I emailed you a couple years back about my cheating wife. It wasn’t easy but I forgave her. That was two years ago. I appreciated your advice to decide to follow my heart and do what I needed to at the time. I just found out she recently cheated again […]