Dear Christine
Fall Musings 1.1 By Christine C. Cantrell, PhD
I spent the afternoon repotting geraniums in smaller pots to bring them in for the winter. In Berkley, MI, a Detroit inner ring suburb, our first frost might come tonight. As an avid gardener, I like to think I know how long the growing season is, and thinking of Global Warming, I thought this […]
Fall Musings 1.2 By Christine Cantrell
Dear Christine, Femme in Franklin
Dear Christine, Do I Have Lesbian Repellant? I’m very femme. I couldn’t stop looking girly if I tried and I wouldn’t anyways.. I love my aesthetic of Curled Hair, Pin-Up looks. I have all kinds of “macho” skills but I appear to be a “Straight” gal to other Lesbians. I’ll admit I’m newly Out…. It’s […]