Monday, February 24, 2025
Abundance knocks on the door of my heart.
Reflexively, my heart says “Closed for business.”
Scarred early on, my heart resists.
Wrapped in cords composed of
Old, tight twisted vines,
And encased in calloused bark of
“What if” and “But” and “I can’t.”
Where can abundance grow?
How do I create space?
Let go, breathe.
Inhale deeply.
Old bark is flakes off here and there.
Creating little spaces, room for tiny buds.
Breathing deep, dare I open a bit more?
Inhale slowly
Let it go, slow hisssssss.
Inhale a new blossom scent.
But, what if?
Fear’s icy grip is always nigh.
What if?!
What if it all crashes down?
It’s so risky
to breathe,
to open,
to bud,
to blossom,
to trust abundance,
to release icy fear’s grip.
To love.
What if my heart bleeds?
O my soul, forget me not.
Abundance surrounds me.
Love embraces me.
I choose to open my heart.
I breathe in.
I breathe out.
I breathe in the wind.
I exhale my tension.
I breathe with the waves.
I exhale the ancient fears.
I inhale limitless possibilities
I exhale the restrictions only I impose.
I inhale trust in myself.
I exhale all my excuses.
I inhale love surrounding me.
I exhale discomfort that comes with growth.
I choose now
to graciously receive all abundance.