Daylight Saving Time: Follow the Sun Sunday, March 9, 2025 Today my Psychology license of 32 years expires. It’s a planned ending of my career to fully embrace the next phase of my life: retirement. Psychology was my second career, similar to the first, ordination and pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA). I have spent […]

Abundance Monday, February 24, 2025 Abundance knocks on the door of my heart. Reflexively, my heart says “Closed for business.” Scarred early on, my heart resists. Wrapped in cords composed of Old, tight twisted vines, And encased in calloused bark of “What if” and “But” and “I can’t.” Where can abundance grow? How do I […]

Fake Spring (49F) Vespers Walk
I am in the school of life, still growing and healing because there’s no age limit: Two steps forward: I’m bubbly, happy. “At last! You got this girl!” I tell myself. Suddenly I find myself three steps back: I stumble, fall on my butt, scrape my knees. I’m crying from the emotional strictures. This is […]

Dear Christine, To Tell or Not To Tell in Taylor
Dear Christine My wife has been taking some medication recently that is clearly helping her anxiety and OCD, however, she developed a noticeable twitch in (her) eyes. Fluttery blinking, more in one eye than the other so it’s very noticeable to people. She see seems unaware of it and so far I haven’t brought it […]

Dear Christine, Wounded in Westland
Dear Christine, So this girl left me a couple of months ago and I can’t get her off my mind. I think about her constantly and she says I make her sick to her stomach. I really think she was the one and I loved her like I’d never been hurt before. I don’t take […]

Dear Christine, Confused in Clinton Twp
Dear Christine, I’m a little disturbed by a recent situation I had with a friend. This friend is making me feel crazy as if I did something wrong. This friend has been platonic the entire time I’ve known him and I have NEVER given off any Indication and I’ve never told this friend that there […]

Fake Spring (49F) Vespers Walk
I am in the school of life, still growing and healing because there’s no age limit: Two steps forward: I’m bubbly, happy. “At last! You got this girl!” I tell myself. Suddenly I find myself three steps back: I stumble, fall on my butt, scrape my knees. I’m crying from the emotional strictures. This is […]

How Great Thou Art
How Great Thou Art Wednesday, November 6, 2024 I often take a “Vespers Walk” most evenings at sunset. I need one today. Deliberately, I place reactions to yesterday’s election on the back burner. I open myself to whatever the universe brings to my eyes, my mind and my spirit. Lately, gratitude appears, filling my soul […]

Donna, The Grandma Jep of Berkley Essay #4
Donna, The Grandma Jep of Berkley Sunday, September 22, 2024 I stopped by the Neighborhood Shoppe for a bottle of wine on the way home. It’s a little store nearby, perfect to grab a cold drink or a freshly made pizza, find that needed spice, a banana or a bag of ice. It is the place to […]
Christine C. Cantrell
… has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and 30 years of counseling in the fields of pastoral ministry, grief and psychotherapy. She is fully licensed as a psychologist in the State of Michigan. She also has an MA in Divinity (M.Div.), was an ordained pastor of 2 churches, and was a grief counselor with local hospices. She has practiced psychology in area clinics since 1993.